Dear worshiper, in order to enhance your on-line worship experience, we are upgrading our Audio/AV equipment. While this takes place, there won’t be an On-line Service today. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
In Person
Start your Sunday Mornings with Sunday School @ 9:00 am
Then Join Us @ 10:30 am for Corporate Worship Service to hear from God’s Holy Word of Truth.
Communion Services are held the second Sunday of each month.
On-line / Streaming
Worship Service start at 10:30 am to view a live online “Spirit” filled streaming experience or catch up on an inspiring message that you may have missed at your leisure. Please select your preferred method for viewing below:
Follow Us:
Wednesdays – “Neicie Mae Fisher room” Women’s Bible Study @ 10:00am
Wednesday Evenings – In the Word Bible Study & Prayer @ 7:00pm
3rd Saturdays – Corporate Intercessory Prayer @ 9:00am
Where are we located?
Oak Grove Baptist Church is located in Sterling, Va (Loudoun County), along the Dulles Corridor and is a short drive from the nation’s capital.
Find Us: