Sign Me Up! 2025 Youth Support. The Link to sign up is still open. We need lots of help this year! Scan code and complete the questionnaire, we would really appreciate it! Please see graphic to the left.
Building Foundations: New and Restorative Members Class. Join us for Our New and Restorative Members Class starting on Sunday, February 2, 2025, at 9:00 am. This class will be held in person at OGBC. Please, email Elder Gordon and Larissa Neal if you have any questions – [email protected].
BULLETIN BOARD. (Updated Mar 1)
Servant Leadership Training Sessions. March 2025 – The “Whole Church” Church Meeting Training Series . Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9643197945?pwd=V8Qg9337dOKDEZ55Zs5P9INrb8ir0U.1. Meeting ID: 964 319 7945 Passcode: CBA1
§ Monday, March 3, 2025, 12:00 Noon, Church Meeting Training (Pt. 1), The “Whole” Church: Church Meetings that Unite
§ Monday, March 3, 2025, 6:00 pm, Church Meeting Training (Pt. 2), “Spiritual Gentleness”: Church Meetings that Heal
§ Monday, March 17, 2025, 12:00 Noon, Church Meeting Training (Pt. 3) The “Whole” Church: Church Meetings that Guide, Casting vs. Forcing a Spiritual Vision
§ Monday, March 17, 2025, 6:00 pm, Church Meeting Training (Pt. 4) The “Whole” Church: Church Meetings that Inform, Budget Presenting & Finance Reporting

You’re Invited to the Pathways to PEARLseverance: Young Ladies Summit! Middle and high school ladies, join us for an inspiring day of growth, learning, and empowerment at our inaugural Young Ladies Summit on March 15 at First Baptist Church of Vienna!
This free event is designed to help young ladies develop the qualities of resilience and persistence, much like the journey of a pearl. Our theme, “Pathways to PEARLseverance,” will guide you through workshops, discussions, and hands-on experiences, focusing on three key areas to prepare you for the future: Participating Civically – Learn how to engage with your community and understand the power of your voice.Practicing Personal Care – Discover the importance of self-care, mental wellness, and living a balanced life.Preparing for a Sound Future – Gain the tools and knowledge to plan for a successful future.
We’ll also have a special pearl draping ceremony where she’ll receive a beautiful pearl necklace as a symbol of your journey toward resilience.
This summit is a unique opportunity to network, build new friendships, and gain valuable skills to help you succeed. Parents and chaperones are welcome to attend, but please RSVP in advance.
Don’t miss this chance to join a community of young ladies striving to grow in strength, confidence, and perseverance. We can’t wait to see you there!
Youth Leadership Academy Developing Young Leaders. The Youth Leadership Academy, formerly known as the Youth Leadership Forum, is one of the Virginia Board for People with Disabilities’ Training Programs and is held every other year on a university campus. The YLA seeks to empower youth with disabilities to further develop and demonstrate their leadership skills. Students serve as Delegates from across the Commonwealth during this summer program and participate in a wide range of activities and learning experiences. This year’s YLA will be held at Virginia State University between Monday, July 14, 2025, to Thursday, July 17, 2025. The deadline to apply is Friday, March 28, 2025. Students are encouraged to use the preferred online application. Apply online at https://vbpd.virginia.gov/training/youth-leadership-academy/ylaapp/. See attachment.