A Place Where Everyone Joins Together. Tiny Acorns Christian Camp/Vacation Bible School

A Place Where Everyone Joins Together.

Welcome, It is the joy of Jesus that we welcome you to our site. The Oak has been in the Sterling/Herndon community for over 156 years and is rich in history. It is our desire to build on our history by making disciples on behalf the kingdom. Our Vision for 2025: INCREASE with VISA: Vision, Integrity, Structure, Accountability

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Tiny Acorns Christian Camp/Vacation Bible School

The Oak Grove Baptist Christian Education Ministry is gearing up to partner with families in the community for “The Best Two Weeks” of summer camps 2025. (Registration and payment details to follow).

The Best Two Weeks

Lending a Helping Hand

  • March 30, 2025 - March 30, 2025
  • Free
  • The OGBC Women’s Ministry and Deaconess Ministry are asking for donations for their first outreach service for 2025. Our theme, “Lending a Helping Hand,” supports our humanitarian relief effort for families impacted by the wildfires in California. Our first outreach focus will be to collect items for Babies. We are asking for donations of non-perishable baby food, new clothing for babies 0-24 months, toys, and other necessities, such as diapers, baby wash, baby lotion, wipes, etc. Donations will be accepted Sunday, March 9 through Sunday, March 30. A collection box will be set up in the Narthex for all donated items. At the conclusion, all items will be shipped to Los Angeles, CA for distribution. Monetary donations are welcomed. Please place your donation in an offering envelope with “Helping Hand” noted on the envelope. Questions may be directed to Deaconess Lorri Jackson-Reid, Sis. Ava Jackson, Sis. Ingrid Davis or Sis. Sindey Nelson. We’d like to thank all Oak Grove members and friends, in advance, for your donations and support! Sis. Donna Jackson, Women’s Ministry Chair. Geri Diggs, Deaconess Ministry Chair.
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