“We shall take heed to ourselves, and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made us overseers, to care for the Church of God, which he ordained with the blood of His own Son”
Acts 20:28 KJV
Trustee Mission Statement & Goals:
- The Oak Grove Trustee Ministry will work together with the Church body to serve the needs of the church by managing the church”s financial affairs, protecting it’s resources and attending to its business matters.
- To exercise prudence and wisdom in the use of the Church’s resources
- To set the functionality, safety and security of the church building during regular and scheduled inspections of its physical structure and properties
- To maintain the Church building as a pleasing, physical environment that is always ready and comfortable for worship
- to evaluate decisions and actions made by the Trustee Ministry to determine practices
- To add technology and other enhancements to advance Church operations, services and outreach activities
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